Welcome to the 33rd Image Forum Festival. This festival was started in 1987 with the goal of screening highly creative works that are clearly distinct from commercial films. This year’s festival also offers an unprecedented focus on Asian film festivals, trends, and works through a special “Asia Experimental Film Festival Meeting” program, along with the continuation of the “East Asian Experimental Competition” that was held for the first time last year. This special program is being staged in connection with The Japan Foundation Asia Center’s “Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration” and “Cultural City of East Asia 2019 Toshima Partnership Projects,” and with it we aim to provide a unique opportunity to encounter a distillation of current trends in Asian moving image culture. We look forward to being stimulated by the new movements emerging from each country and this festival becom- ing a more energizing venue for such appreciation and exchange. In closing, there are many people who have contributed a great deal of effort to the staging of this festival. I would like to offer my sincere thanks to those who participated in co-organiza- tion, subsidization, cooperation, collaboration, venue collaboration, and other forms of support, to the filmmakers, jury members, and those involved in distribution, and finally to all of those who contributed their expertise and advice.


A Brief History of South Korean Experimental Cinema 1969 ‒ 2013

8works 102min.

The Meaning of 1/24 Second KIM Kulim 16mm (digital version) / silent / 10min. / 1969 / Korea
The Hole HAN Okhi (Khaidu Club) 16mm (digital version) / 8min. / 1974 / Korea
Untitled77-A HAN Okhi (Khaidu Club) 16mm (digital version) / silent / 7min. / 1977 / Korea
Over Me LIM Changjae 16mm (digital version) / 19min. / 1996 / Korea
Surface of Memory, Memory on Surface LEE Jangwook 16mm (digital version) / silent / 23min. / 1999 / Korea
The Breath  JANG Minyong 16mm (digital version) / silent / 10min./ 2007 / Korea
8mm Vertigo SUK Sungsuk / digital / 9min. / 2011 / Korea
Photograpic Survey BYUN Jaekyu / digital / 16min / 2013 / Korea

curation: KIM Jiha (Program director at the ACC Cinematheque)

The Meaning of 1/24 Second

The Hole


Over Me

Surface of Memory, Memory on Surface

The Breath

8mm Vertigo

Photograpic Survey


9月21日 19:00 (18:45開場/21:30終了予定)

東京都豊島区巣鴨4-7-4-101(折戸通り 都立文京高校正門前)

お問い合わせ:イメージフォーラム 03-5766-0116
「イメージフォーラム・フェスティバル 2019」の他プログラムは、9月14日よりシアター・イメージフォーラム、9月20 日よりスパイラルホールで上映します。特集企画「アジア・エクスペリメンタル・フィルム・フェスティバル・ミーティ ング」では、中国、ベトナム、シンガポール、フィリピン、インドネシア、タイ、マレーシアでエクスペリメンタル映画の 活動を行なっている組織の代表が来日し、上映とシンポジウムを行います。詳しくはウェブサイトをご覧ください。

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