Q5 Indonesia Experimental Short Films from Indonesia

15works 80min.

Theatre Image Forum(TOKYO):9/19 15:45

Violence Against Fruit Tintin WULIA / digital / 3min. / 2000 / Indonesia
Bintang Laut Memang Gila Edo Wulia & Kacir Dunia ke3 / digital / 3min. / 2002/ Indonesia
Where Do You Originally Come From Tintin WULIA / digital / 2min. / 2003/ Indonesia
100 Senyum Ridwan RUDIANTO digital / 3min. / 2005/ Indonesia
Julieland Tintin WULIA digital / 12min. / 2008/ Indonesia
Broken Heart Monologue Bayu PRASETYO digital / 5min. / 2010/ Indonesia
Dari Pisau Mana Paul AGUSTA digital / 2min. / 2012/ Indonesia
The Flaneurs#3 Aryo DANUSIRI digital / 5min. / 2013/ Indonesia
Udhar Tunggul BANJARNSARI digital / 15min. / 2014/ Indonesia
Silent Wicitra PRADNYARATIH digital / 3min. / 2015/ Indonesia
Unbalanced Corner, Unfinished Book Ryan SEBASTIAN / digital / 6min. / 2018/ Indonesia
Ijenan Winner WIJAYA / digital / 2min. / 2018/ Indonesia
Taksa  Prasetyo WIBOWO S. / digital / 6min. / 2018/ Indonesia
Ninety Nine Kevin CHRISTIAN / digital / 2min. / 2018/ Indonesia
Barakabut Roufy NASUTION / digital / 11min. / 2018/ Indonesia2001 was my first time watching JIFFest-Jakarta International Film Festival. That was my first exposure to films from various countries other than American production. Fast forward to 2008 when I first watched a film program at Minikino Monthly Screening in Bali, it was the first time I realized there were short films, programs and programming. Six years into volunteer- ing for various positions in the film festival organization Minikino, and I finally get a taste of working on programming short films. I went to become a film programmer from being an audience. It was a long journey to finally work on theheartandsoulofafilmfestival.Aprogrammer’s‘tastebuds’gotmore experience through thousands of hours spent on watching.
My experimental films watching hours increased when Minikino established a cooperation with Image Forum. From there my interest for this genre increased. In the process of selecting these fifteen selected short films for this program, I worked with Minikino film database since the 2000s. I tried my best to find notable Indonesian experimental short films that need to be highlighted among other probably bettrer known works in the past two decades. From an audience perspective to the other, I hope these films inspire you like they did to me, unconventional and worth the effort to be screened for wider audience. (Fransiska PRIHADI)

curation: Fransiska PRIHADI (Program Director of Minikino)

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