Q1 China Film Topography of ZHOU Tao

3works 88min.

Theatre Image Forum(TOKYO):9/18 13:00

After Reality
After Reality ZHOU Tao / digital / 15min. / 2013 / China
Blue and Red ZHOU Tao / digital / 25min. / 2014 / China
Wordly Cave  ZHOU Tao / digital / 48min. / 2017 / China
In the world of reality and virtuality overlapped by the alternat- ing uses of various media, when imagery narration is on the verge of conceding to technological revolution, what is experi- mental film?
Up to 2012,“body”had been the key subject in Zhou Tao’s works as a mediation of the reality through intervention of images. The artist then slowly retreats his body behind the camera, and his perception transforms into the scene in the viewfinder of the camera. The impulsive filming instincts and the rational editing decision are like the two flying wings of a bald eagle, battling each other to maintain an intertwined, subtle balance. Only the bare skin is left in the wind for this struggle.
Zhou Tao invests generous amount of time in“living”with the subjects of his filming. His refrained construction of the fast expanding infrastructure landscape creates a new perspec- tive and narration distinguished from that of the directors of video art, documentaries and drama films. This screening samples three works embodying Zhou Tao’s topography, and invites the audience to engage in his ongoing mobile filming production to date. (PAN Siming)
curator: PAN Siming (Associate Curator at Guangdong Times Museum)

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