N Delphine and Carole

1works 68min.

Theatre Image Forum(TOKYO):9/17 21:15
Spiral Hall(TOKYO):9/20 18:40
Aichi Arts Center(NAGOYA):11/9 19:00

Delphine and Carole

Callisto MCNULTY

digital / 68min. / 2019 / France, Switzerland
Cast: Delphine SEYRIG, Carole ROUSSOPOULOS, Marguerite DURAS, Simone de BEAUVOIR, Chantal AKERMAN, Jane FONDA,
The meeting between Delphine Seyrig, the mythical actress from Stolen Kisses, Donkey Skin, and Last Year at Marien- bad, and the video artist Carole Roussopoulos who purchased the second video camera sold in France (Godard allegedly bought the first one) drives us to the heart of the feminism of the 1970s. With a video camera in hand, they will engage in radical fights with insolence, intransigence and a lot of humor.
The 1970s feminist struggles depicted in the film present striking resonances with women’s struggles today, whether it be the stereotypical roles attached to women and to actresses in particular (as the magnifying glass through which sexism and racism can be examined), the power relations within the workplace and the domestic space, or reproductive rights as well as lesbian and sex workers’rights. IbelievethatDelphineandCarole’scontagious,creative energy constitutes a source of energy for us to draw strength from. The model of political engagement and joyful radicalism that they embody is more than ever important, especially at a time marked by the dismissal of so-called“feminist killjoys.” Preserving their memory therefore not only contributes to History ̶ or rather Herstory, written from the perspective of women ̶, but also provides us with information and energy, from which one can draw evidence and confidence. (Callisto McNulty)

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