Kaleidoscape Annie PACAÑA LUMBAO / digital / 3min. / 2019 / Philippine
Three Enchantments Jon LAZAM / digital / 13min. / 2016 / Philippine
Memorial of an Inquiry Jan PINEDA / digital / 8min. / 2014 / Philippine
Chop-Chopped First Lady + Chop-Chopped First Daughter Yason BANAL / digital / 1min. / 2015/ Philippine
In Our Silence Alyssa SUICO / digital / 5min. / 2017 / Philippine
Hakdawan James LEOCADIO / digital / 11min. / 2019 / Philippine
Mr. Li Mike DE LEON / digital / 8min. / 2019 / Philippine
What is a Day Christian TABLAZON(+Carlo PAULO PACOLOR) digital / 16min. / 2013 / Philippine
From the Dark Depths Kiri DALENA / digital / 27min. / 2017 / Philippine
Between the New York-set film, On My Way to India Consciousness, I Reached China (1968), and homebound anticolonial film en route Europe, Perfumed Nightmare (1977), as well as the Super-8 short films of the 1980s and the 16mm films of the 1990s, Philippine experimental cinema has gone a long way and has forked into various traditions and new directions in the digital era.
This Philippine program particularly collects contemporary film experiments that exemplify the currents of the times and utilize the potency of documentation, blurring the lines between experimental and documentary methods. The filmmakers in the program undertake the act of documenting historical moments and specific spaces, in order to engage in place-making, memory-work, and political resistance.
In social spaces that have become chaotic, place-making experiments carve out the significance of contextualizing, defending, and making sense of one’s home, be it in urban or rural locales.
In moments when powers-that-be threaten to revise history and erase reminders of past atrocities, memory-work experiments evoke the dangers of forgetting and the urgency of remembering, be they the history of violence of imperialism or the human rights violations of dictators and the state.
In the present time, when virtual spaces are crowding out social realities and rendering them depthless, experiments that function as forms of political resistance marry conceptual critique with visceral imagery, exhibiting ideas and embodiments of brutality and cruelty that must be resisted. (Patrick CAMPOS)
curation: Patrick CAMPOS (Director at the University of the Philippines Film Institute, Film Researcher)