



GOSHIMA Kazuhiro
アナログとデジタルの境界、感覚の粒子化をテーマにした映像作品、インスタレーション作品を制作している。 代表作に『画家の不在』(2018〜)、『これは映画ではないらしい』(2014)、『SHADOWLAND』(2013) などがある。

He creates film works and installation works on the theme of the boundary between analog and digital, and of the particulation of the human senses. His main works include “On the Absence of the Painter” (2018-), ” THIS MAY NOT BE A MOVIE” (2014), and “SHADOWLAND” (2013).

LETHE/ digital/ 21min./ 2023/ Japan










This work is a 3-D movie. Basically, we used to shoot with one camera and shifted the time slightly to create parallax, especially in the horizontal movement, to create a stereoscopic effect. This time, I made the time shifting more dynamic, with one eye looking at the day and the other at night. It was very interesting for me to challenge myself to see if it would work.

–––Could you tell us what the title means?

When I stare blankly at something, I lose track of what I was looking at. I thought it was a new experience to feel as if I had been looking at the scenery until just now, and then it seemed as if it had slipped away into oblivion.

I decided to use that as a title and came up with the “Lethe” from Greek mythology. It is a river in the underworld, and if you drink its water, you will forget your memories of this world. It also means a river on the border between day and night, and it connects to the idea that information straddles between right and left brains, which leads to forgetting. I felt that it was very stimulating to have my own experience but not to have it take form. It was very interesting for me to feel that I was creating something to forget.

–––Tell us about the location.

Those who have seen my work may think, “Here again?” Basically, I always shoot in my neighborhood, within walking distance. I want what comes out as a visual effect to be something surprising and new to the audience, but the place where it is created should not be a special place, but rather a common place in the neighborhood. I want to show that any place can be seen in a different way if you look at it in a different way.

–––It is a film that gives us a sense of the potential of 3-D movies that we don’t know yet.

I think 3-D movies remind us of the original role of movie theaters, which was to go to a special place and experience it.I believe that we can expect the possibility of an encounter with the unknown in 3-d movies. I hope that this film also creates some kind of celebratory atmosphere that films have of seeing something special in a special place.

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