–––This film is your graduation production project for the Image Forum Institute of Moving Image. Have you produced films before?
I made “Obscured Visions” last year in my third year at the university. I began producing films in the fall of my second year at the university. I originally enrolled at the university because I wanted to study contemporary art. However, in my first year at the university, I took a course on visual images and found it interesting. In the second year at the university, I impulsively purchased a camera. This gave me the opportunity to begin shooting short films. However, as my department at the university wasn’t a place to study motion pictures, I decided to attend the Image Forum Institute of Moving Image. Embarrassingly, I hardly watched films or went to movie theaters back then. Instead, I would watch a lot of these visual works that the museums showed. So, I started by taking my camera and shooting footage with a feeling-my-way-around attitude. To me, it was taking footage rather than film direction.
–––We understand that in this film, you were thinking about “what a motion picture is.” Can you tell us how you arrived at such a theme?
For someone who hardly saw any motion pictures, I found the space a movie theater provides to be extremely interesting. In addition to seeing the motion picture, itself, the movie theater experience got me really excited. I’m talking about the experience at the movie theater where you’re with a lot of people in a state of darkness being exposed to light from the films. Even today, my interest lies in the medium of motion pictures where, as I make my films, I always ponder about “what a motion picture is.” Now, at the same time as finding the light experience at the movie theater interesting, I got my inspiration to produce the film from the glowing mushroom known as Mycena Clorophos, which I liked back then. As I made this film, I was always thinking about what a motion picture is, under the theme of light within the night.
–––Tell us about the hardships you faced shooting and producing the film.
The film was shot primarily at night in mid-winter in forests and river banks. Since there was not even a single street light, the camera, alone, wouldn’t show anything, so we brought along four cheap pieces of lighting equipment. Our situation was that we had to somehow make do with what we had.
We lacked equipment as well as know-how. Shooting all night long, it felt like we could complete one shot at best or not even that much. At the film location, the staff consisted of six of my friends, including my classmates. Whatever we did, we’d take the trial-and-error approach to see how we could come up with an interesting image. The shooting lasted 25 days. It felt like “we’re not going to get anything done today again” all of the time (chuckle). It was in winter where the scenery hardly changed so we went to film footage again and again. No one in the staff, including myself, was studying motion pictures at the university. We were in other fields of study such as fashion and photography. As friends, we exchanged ideas as we made the film. In this sense, I can attest that I, alone, could not have made this film by myself.
–––I hear you’re in the midst of shooting your next film. What are your future plans?
I’m working on my university graduation production piece in Ushiku City of Ibaraki Prefecture. At Ushiku, there’s a place called Ushikunuma, famous for “kappa,” the mythical water dwelling creature. I’m shooting a film there which has a small taste of horror. I’m struggling because this time I’ve asked actors to appear in my film. Also, I’m making my film a bit differently than before. However, I won’t forget the sensation I experienced with “Obscured Visions.” I’d like to shoot my film by taking a variety of shots. I’ll be going step by step, shooting one cut a day.