



1989年横浜生まれ。多摩美術大学で青山真治氏に東京藝術大学大学院で黒沢清氏に師事。『きりはじめて、はなをむすぶ。』(2012)がイメージフォーラムフェスティバルで大賞。『とてつもなく大きな』(2020)がカンヌ国際映画祭 批評家週間部門に選出。

Born in Yokohama in 1989. Studied under Shinji Aoyama at Tama Art University, then under Kiyoshi Kurosawa at the Graduate School of Tokyo University of the Arts. “Flame Out” (2012) won the grand prize at the Image Forum Festival 2012. “Humongous!” (2020) was officially selected for the short film section of the 2020 Cannes International Film Festival’s Semaine de la Critique.

とおぼえ/デジタル / 24分 / 2022年 / 日本
Howling/ digital/ 24min./ 2022/ Japan








–––What made you strive to become a filmmaker in the first place?

I really loved music, so at first, I wanted to make music videos. I saw many works of creative imagery after enrolling at Tama Art University. Yet seeing the works of Maya Deren brought out a clear conscience in myself as to what kind of motion picture I wanted to make. In particular, I was influenced by her film, “Meshes of the Afternoon.” I then started to think about what made this film so interesting. To me, the film depicts the existence of multiple time frames. Additionally, I felt the film shows multiple viewpoints with regard to the existence of the protagonist in one sequence. It does this by presenting her consciousness, herself as she is now, and herself through the eyes of a third party. You can say that the film also depicts the uncertainty of one’s self-existence. I was shocked by the difference between this film and the films of entertainment I’d been seeing. I still want to make films centered on themes such as time and existence which can also appeal to the audience in a visually interesting manner.

–––You got the idea for this film from a short story by Hyakken Uchida, didn’t you?

I just love the novels of Hyakken Uchida. The late film director Shinji Aoyama was my professor at the time. When I mentioned to him about making a film based on a work by Hyakken Uchida, he told me, “If I were you, I’d work on ‘Howling’.” Then I read the short story for the first time, and thought this was good. I wanted to use both sound and imagery effectively in my film. I felt good about where the sound to the key of the story is presented. A “brother” frequently appears in my other films. As I was developing the script, I decided to use the relationship of the father and son in “Realm of the Dead,” another short story by Hyakken Uchida, and incorporate that as the connection between an elder and younger brother in my film. Many of his stories present themes on doubting one’s self-existence which are close to my liking and so I consider myself being influenced by Hyakken Uchida’s works as much as Maya Deren’s films.

–––Compared to your previous films, don’t you think “Howling” brings out a much more disturbing atmosphere, such as projecting film of people being executed?

Although I made this film before the war in Ukraine started, I feel people around the world are in a state of “crisis sensitivity” for several years now, especially when you consider the Covid-19 pandemic. There were many overseas students from China and Taiwan working as staff members to this film. Talking to them, I felt that an outbreak of war wasn’t something out of the question, making me think about how I should accept such a crisis. So, one of the things I wanted to express in this film, was to show what decisions we would make when our existence is shaken in times of crises. As with “Howling,” I strive to create the effect of impending danger through sound whenever I can.

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