O Special Program: OKUYAMA Jun’ichi
6works 48min + lecture
Theatre Image Forum(TOKYO):8/4 18:30
Burning the film, using it as an instrument, and remodeling the camera by himself, are all things eccentrically done by Okuyama Jun’ichi, a pursuer of the principles and structures of movie and film. Okuyama’s newest work, Frameless DS8 will be shown along with his filmography concerning movie frames with a vigorous lecture by Okuyama himself on how his films are born from the very base of movies: the film itself.
Frameless 35 OKUYAMA Jun’ichi / 35mm / 3min. / 1968 / Japan
Frameless 16 OKUYAMA Jun’ichi / 16mm / 3min. / 1971 / Japan
No Perforations OKUYAMA Jun’ichi / 16mm / 10min. / 1971 / Japan
Movie Watching OKUYAMA Jun’ichi / 16mm / 12min. / 1982 / Japan
Regular 8 is 16mm Film OKUYAMA Jun’ichi / 16mm / 11min. / 2006 / Japan
Frameless DS 8 OKUYAMA Jun’ichi / digital / 9min. / 2018 / Japan